गुरुवार, 28 जनवरी 2016

Zika virus could become 'explosive pandemic'


इसलिए भी ज़रूरी है भारत के हर शहर कसबे गाँव में स्वच्छता अभियान -ताकि हम सब बचे रहें डेंगू के भाई "ज़िका /ज़ीक़ा से -बचाव में ही बचाव है  इस हैरान परेशान करने वाले विषाणुजन्य रोग के लक्षण सब में  प्रकट ही होंवे ये ज़रूरी नहीं है अलबत्ता वह मैं और आप इसके वाहक ,कॅरिअर ज़रूर हो सकते हैं।

वेक्टर बोर्न डिज़ीज़ है ज़ीक़ा डेंगू की तरह। कातिल भी वही है -एडिस इजिप्टी मच्छर ।

अपने आसपास का माहौल स्वच्छ रखें । पड़ोस में अपने पानी इकठ्ठा न होनें देवें।

दिमाग के एक रोग माइक्रोसेफली से मिलता जुलता प्रतीत होता है यह रोग जिसमें नवजात शिशु के दिमाग का सरकम फ्रेंस ३१ -३२ सेंटीमीटर या उससे भी कम रह जाता है। कम विकसित रह जाता है शिशु का दिमाग।

रोग से बचे रहने का एक ही तरीका  है आप मच्छरों से बचे रहें। इनके भी आतंकियों की तरह स्लीपर सेल्स हो सकते हैं। कोई दक्षिण अमरीकी देशों से इसे लिए आ सकता है अपने खून में। बस मच्छर पहले उसे काटे  और बाद में जिसे भी काटे -वही इसका ग्रास बन जाएगा।आतंकियों की तरह खूंखार है यह रोग।

सन्दर्भ -सामिग्री :-


Zika virus could become 'explosive pandemic'

US scientists have urged the World Health Organisation to take urgent action over the Zika virus, which they say has "explosive pandemic potential".

Writing in a US medical journal, they called on the WHO to heed lessons from the Ebola outbreak and convene an emergency committee of disease experts.

They said a vaccine might be ready for testing in two years but it could be a decade before it is publicly available.

Zika, linked to shrunken brains in children, has caused panic in Brazil.
Thousands of people have been infected there and it has spread to some 20 countries.

The Brazilian President, Dilma Roussef, has urged Latin America to unite in combating the virus.
She told a summit in Ecuador that sharing knowledge about the disease was the only way that it would be beaten. A meeting of regional health ministers has been called for next week.
Writing in the Journal of the American Medical Association, Daniel R Lucey and Lawrence O Gostin say the WHO's failure to act early in the recent Ebola crisis probably cost thousands of lives.
They warn that a similar catastrophe could unfold if swift action is not taken over the Zika virus.

"An Emergency Committee should be convened urgently to advise the Director-General about the conditions necessary to declare a Public Health Emergency of International Concern," Mr Lucey and Mr Gostin wrote.
They added: "The very process of convening the committee would catalyze international attention, funding, and research."
White House spokesman Josh Earnest said on Wednesday the US government intended to make a more concerted effort to communicate with Americans about the risks associated with the virus.

No cure

There is no cure for the virus and the hunt is on for a vaccine, led by scientists at the University of Texas Medical Branch.
The researchers have visited Brazil to carry out research and collect samples and are now analysing them in a suite of high-security laboratories in Galveston, Texas.

Access to the building in Galveston is tightly controlled by police and the FBI. Speaking to the BBC inside the facility, Professor Scott Weaver, director of the Institute for Human Infections and Immunity, said people were right to be frightened by the virus.
"It's certainly a very significant risk," he said, "and if infection of the foetus does occur and microcephaly develops we have no ability to alter the outcome of that very bad disease which is sometimes fatal or leaves children mentally incapacitated for the remainder of their life."

The Zika virus was discovered in monkeys in 1947 in Uganda's Zika Forest, with the first human case registered in Nigeria in 1954 but for decades it did not appear to pose much of a threat to people and was largely ignored by the scientific community.
It was only with an outbreak on the Micronesian island of Yap in 2007 that some researchers began to take an interest.
In the past year the virus "exploded" said Prof Weaver, sweeping through the Caribbean and Latin America "infecting probably a couple of million people".

The symptoms in adults and children are similar to those for dengue fever but generally milder, including flu-like aches, inflammation of the eyes, joint pain and rashes although some people have no symptoms at all.
In rare cases the disease may also lead to complications including Guillain-Barre syndrome, a disorder of the nervous system which can cause paralysis.

  • Spread by the Aedes aegyptimosquito, which also carries dengue fever and yellow fever
  • First discovered in Africa in the 1940s but is now spreading in Latin America
  • Scientists say there is growing evidence of a link to microcephaly, that leads to babies being born with small heads
  • Can lead to fever and a rash but most people show no symptoms, and there is no known cure
  • Only way to fight Zika is to clear stagnant water where mosquitoes breed, and protect against mosquito bites

PARIS (AFP) - Pregnant women are being urged to think twice before travelling to Latin American and Caribbean countries battling a rise in cases of microcephaly - a rare but brutal condition that shrinks the brains of unborn babies.

The increase has coincided with an outbreak of the usually benign Zika virus. But the virus and the birth defects have not been scientifically linked, leaving many questions about what is happening to these children in the womb.


A: Babies with microcephaly have an abnormally small brain and skull for their age, in the womb or at birth, with varying degrees of brain damage as a result. It has many potential causes: infections, viruses, toxins or unknown genetic factors.


A: In serious cases, early death. If the brain is under-developed, the body cannot function properly. In French Polynesia (one of the regions affected), these deformities have caused most of the babies to be stillborn, as the unborn infants simply cannot survive.

- Andre Cabie, infections disease head at the University Hospital of Martinique.
A: For children who survive pregnancy and are born with microcephaly, the future is bleak. In the worst cases, children will be severely intellectually and physically handicapped. But even those less severely affected will likely struggle with psychomotor impairment - characterised by slow thought, speech and physical movements.

"It is a real tragedy." Delfraissy
A: Many types of viral infections, such as rubella or cytomegalovirus, can cause physical deformities and intellectual deficiencies, especially during the first three months of pregnancy, when the vital organs are being formed. Viruses can travel through the placenta and infect the foetus directly, sometimes in the brain.

- Delfraissy


A: Microcephaly cases seem to have increased in the zone of the Zika outbreak. But also, the virus has been detected in stillborn children with microcephaly, as well as in the amniotic fluid.
The link between Zika and microcephaly is highly likely, but has not yet been proven scientifically.
- Delfraissy
A: This is a very new situation. Until a few months ago we did not know that Zika could cause congenital infections (which are present from birth) and microcephaly. It caught us all by surprise.
The evidence for the link is relatively strong, and considered strong enough to warrant public health measures.
- Laura Rodrigues of the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, via the Science Media Centre.


A: Studies are underway in French Polynesia, where a Zika outbreak ocurred around the end of 2013 - beginning of 2014, to better understand how the virus may affect foetuses. In Martinique, where there is an outbreak right now, a trial group of pregnant women is being put together for study.
The difficulty is that people infected with the virus usually have no symptoms. A pregnant woman can thus be infected without knowing it. On the other hand, cases have been observed of pregnant women infected with Zika whose children did not develop microcephaly.


A: There has been a case of sexual transmission, and theoretically transmission by transplantation or transfusion cannot be ruled out. The main route of infection is through mosquitoes.
- Alain Kohl of the University of Glasgow's Centre for Virus Research.

Image for the news result
Some 4,180 cases of microcephaly – which causes babies to be born with heads which ...

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